0 Nové poznatky zo štúdie FIELD - SÚČASNÁ KLINICKÁ PRAX

Nové poznatky zo štúdie FIELD

MUDr. Eva Rajecová

Súč Klin Pr 2008; 2: 18–20


Štúdia FIELD – Fenofibrate Intervention and Event lowering in Diabetes bola prvou morbiditno-mortalitnou placebom kontrolovanou štúdiou zameranou na pacientov s diabetom 2. typu. Randomizovaných bolo 9 795 pacientov užívajúcich fenofibrát 200 mg/deň alebo placebo. Závery štúdie FIELD boli publikované v roku 2005. O dva roky neskôr, v roku 2007, bol publikovaný efekt fenofibrátu na diabetickú retinopatiu. Táto štúdia bola registrovaná ako ISRCT – International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial. Liečba fenofibrátom u chorých s diabetom 2. typu redukovala signifikantne potrebu laserovej liečby pri diabetickej retinopatii. Tento vplyv bol nezávislý od koncentrácie lipidov v sére.

Kľúčové slová

fenofibrát – diabetes mellitus 2. typu – diabetická retinopatia

New knowledge from the FIELD study


The FIELD (Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes) study was the first morbidity and mortality placebo controlled trial in patients with type 2. diabetes mellitus. There where 9 795 patients randomised in a placebo and fenofibrate 200 mg/day group. The results of the study were published in 2005. Two years later, in 2007, the effect of fenofibrate on diabetic retinopathy was published. The study was registered as ISRCT – International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial. Treatment with fenofibrate in individuals with type 2. diabetes mellitus reduced significantly the need for laser treatment of diabetic retinopathy. This effect was independent of plasma lipid concentrations.


fenofibrate – type 2 diabetes mellitus – diabetic retinopathy

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